Potato gnocchi with parmesan cream and truffle
Chef Michele Casadei Massari

We really like the recipe for potato gnocchi with parmesan cream: its unmistakable creaminess is a real treat that will not disappoint lovers of creamy recipes, while the unmistakable smell of truffles properly dosed will delight costumers.

You can make gnocchi by hand which is quite simple and only takes a little more time, or you can go to a fresh pasta shop and buy them already made which is very likely on Thursdays.

Whether or not it’s Thursday, every day is good to enjoy a nice plate of potato gnocchi with parmesan and truffle cream!

Chef Michele Casadei Massari



  • 600 grams of gnocchi    
  • 60 grams of parmesan
  • 30 grams of butter
  • 250 milliliters of heavy cream
  • 1 shallot
  • Desire of truffle
  • Salt & pepper to taste

Briefly brown the shallot in the butter. Add the cream and Parmesan. Mix well until a homogeneous cream is obtained.

Season with salt and pepper and turn off. Cook the potato gnocchi until they float to the surface. Drain, toss in the sauce and complete with some slices of truffle. Serve hot.  

Advice If the sauce thickens too much, add a ladle of the same water you cooked the gnocchi with to maximize flavor. Curiosity Although we often hear about truffle dogs, pigs are the best hunters of this tuber.

Proceed step by step melt the butter add the shallots then add the heavy cream and parmesan, season with salt & pepper cook gnocchi until they float then dress with grated parmesan and finish with the best urbani truffle.

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