Doppia ricetta: Scampi in brodo e Capesante dorate con porcini

Chef Paul Bartolotta

Chef Paul Bartolotta


Scampi in brodo di capone
con cavoletti e tartufo bianco


  • 8 Large Langoustines
  • 2 Gallons Water
  • To taste Sea Salt
  • 1 Qt. Capon broth (may substitute chicken)
  • 8 Large Brussels sprouts (peeled into leaves)
  • 4 Langoustine heads (reserved from tails)

Ingredients for souce

  • 4 oz. Capon broth (reduced and fortified)
  • 8 oz. Unsalted butter (chilled and cubed)
  • ½ oz. URBANI White truffle oil
  • 2 T. Fresh URBANI white truffles (finely grated)
  • To taste Sea salt
  • To taste Freshly ground white pepper


In a large pot of lightly salted boiling water, quickly boil the eight langoustines for 45 seconds. Remove the langoustines and place them in an ice water bath to chill immediately. Retain the pot of boiling water at near simmer to be used later to cook the langoustines at the time of plating. When the langoustines are cold, remove them from the ice water, separating the heads from the tails.  Reserve four of langoustine heads to be used later to prepare the capon-langoustine broth reduction. Peel the langoustine tails removing the shells, set aside.

Bring the capon broth to a boil in a medium saucepot.  Blanche the Brussels sprouts leaves in the capon broth for approximately 45 seconds and chill them in ice water bath to stop the cooking. Strain and set aside.

In the same capon broth, add the four langoustines heads that had been reserved and boil for 10-12 minutes at high heat, reducing the broth to obtain a concentrated capon broth that has been flavored with the Brussels sprouts leaves and langoustines heads. Then remove the heads with a skimmer and strain the fortified langoustine-capon broth, then reduce again to approximately 4 ounces.

Place the URBANI white truffle oil, freshly grated URBANI Alba white truffle in the blender adding chilled cubed butter. Pour over the hot fortified langoustine-capon broth. Blend until creamy, adjusting sea salt and freshly ground white pepper to taste.

Place the blended butter sauce into a medium saucepot.  Return the pot of hot water to a boil. In the meantime, add the Brussels sprout leaves to the langoustine-capon butter sauce and warm over medium heat. When the water is boiling, cook the langoustine for approximately 1 minute. Remove the langoustines from the boiling water using a skimmer and add them to the butter sauce with the Brussels sprout leaves. Stir all ingredients gently, careful not to overcook the delicate langoustines.

Arrange two langoustine and a few Brussels sprouts in individual serving bowls.  Glaze with butter sauce, drizzle with extra virgin olive oil, and top with shaved URBANI Alba white truffles.

Cappesante dorate con porcini
al tartufo nero “mare e monti”

Ingredients for Plated Salad
  • 3 T. Unsalted butter
  • 6-8 Porcini Mushrooms (medium sized)
  • To taste Sea Salt
  • To taste Freshly ground black pepper
  • 3 T. Extra virgin olive oil
  • 8 Sea Scallops (u-12 count)
  • 2 T. Unsalted butter
  • To taste Sea salt
  • To taste Freshly ground black pepper
  • ½ c. Baby arugula (cleaned)
  • ½ c. Yellow frisée (cleaned)
  • 8 shavings Parmigiano–Reggiano (thinly sliced)
  • 16-20 Fresh URBANI Black Truffle (thinly shaved)

Vinaigrette Preparation:

Melt butter and cook over medium heat until golden brown, set aside until it becomes room temperature.  In a medium sized mixing bowl, whisk vinegars together adding sea salt and freshly ground black pepper. Whisk until the salt is dissolved. Then continue, whisking adding in the brown butter, extra virgin olive oil, black truffle oil, and lastly the finely grated fresh URBANI black truffle.  Adjust seasoning to taste. Set aside.

Porcini Mushroom Preparation:

Wash, dry, and clean the porcini mushrooms as necessary.  Slice into medium thickness.  In a medium sauté pan, melt unsalted butter and over high heat.  When the butter is lightly browned, add cleaned and sliced porcini mushrooms and sauté until golden brown (approximately 3-5 minutes). Season the mushrooms with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste.  Remove from heat and set aside.

Sea Scallops Preparation:

In a medium sauté pan, heat extra virgin olive oil over high heat until oil is very hot and near smoke point.  Add scallops that have been pre-seasoned with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper and cook until well caramelized on 1 side (approximately 2 minutes). Turn scallops over and cook for an additional 2 minutes. When the scallops are golden brown on both sides, add unsalted butter and continue to cook until butter is brown (approximately 1 minute).  Remove pan from heat.

Final Plating Preparation:

Arrange on individual serving plates a small nest of cleaned and washed yellow frisée lettuce and baby arugula.  Then place the warm sautéed mushrooms on top of the greens.  Next, remove the scallops from the pan and place on top of the warm porcini mushrooms.


To finish the dish, carefully spoon over each individual scallops, glazing them with a small spoonful of the black truffle vinaigrette.  Top each scallop with shavings of Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese.  Lastly, shave fresh URBANI black truffles on top. Serve immediately. 

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degli Chef

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