Bianchetto Truffle

Tuber Albidum Pico

White Truffle with a delicate taste

With a delicate flavor and aroma, the Bianchetto Truffle is perfect for use raw in the kitchen.

It has a marbled gleba with whitish and reddish-white veins on a purplish-brown or reddish-brown background.

The surface is smooth, also whitish or light yellow-brown.

Medium weight 5-60 grDimensions1-5 cm
Harvest Periodfrom February to April
Collection areaEmilia Romagna, Tuscany, Umbria, Marche, Lazio, Campania, Molise
Symbiotic plantsGenerally black pine, stone pine, maritime pine, Aleppo pine, cedar, downy oak, turkey oak, oak, poplar, willow

Recipes with bianchetto

Discover the selection of recipes with truffles and bring refined dishes and tasty creations to the table.

Types of truffle

Bagnoli Truffle

Tuber Mesentericum Vittadini

Moscato Truffle

Tuber Brumale Moschatum De Ferry

Uncinatum Truffle

Tuber Uncinatum Chatin

Bianchetto Truffle

Tuber Albidum Pico

Black Summer Truffle

Tuber Aestivum Vittadini

Black Winter Truffle

Tuber Brumale Vittadini

Fine Black Truffle

Tuber Melanosporum Vittadini

White Truffle

Tuber Magnatum Pico